YOU’RE NOT A DUCHESS! Meghan Shock As Francis Marquez Refuse To Call Her Duchess DurX Colombia Tour

YOU’RE NOT A DUCHESS! Meghan Shock As Francis Marquez Refuse To Call Her Duchess DurX Colombia Tour

 Vice President Francis Márquez reportedly left Meghan Markle shocked and awestruck after he declined to refer to her by the royal title “Duchess of Sussex” during her recent tour of Colombia. The incident has already received massive media attention and public controversy, piling a new drama onto Meghan and Prince Harry equally controversial tour Down Under.



The press was on hand to hear the formal introduction and according to multiple individuals present at the event, that’s exactly when things got weird.  As protocol typically dictates, Meghan is introduced as the Duchess of Sussex, a title she retains despite stepping back from senior royal duties. However, Vice President Márquez made the deliberate choice to refer to her simply as “Ms. Meghan Markle,” omitting the duchess title altogether.

Meghan, who has always taken pride in her title, was reportedly taken aback by the omission. Witnesses say that while she maintained her composure, it was clear she was unsettled by the unexpected slight. The incident quickly became the talk of the event, with attendees speculating about the motivation behind Márquez’s decision.

Some commentators believe that Vice President Márquez’s refusal to use Meghan’s title was a subtle but pointed political statement. As a prominent figure in Colombia, Márquez has been vocal about issues of inequality and privilege, and her decision may have been intended to signal a rejection of the hierarchical structures that royal titles represent. Others suggest that it was a calculated move to assert Colombia’s independence from the former colonial powers and their symbols.

For Meghan, the incident is a significant blow, as it undermines one of the key aspects of her public identity. Since marrying Prince Harry, Meghan has faced ongoing scrutiny and criticism, much of which has focused on her use of royal titles while living in the United States. The snub from Márquez only adds fuel to the ongoing debate about whether Meghan should continue to use the Duchess of Sussex title, given her and Harry’s decision to step back from royal duties.

Prince Harry, who was present during the incident, is said to have supported Meghan throughout the event, though sources claim he was equally displeased by the apparent disrespect. The couple has faced numerous challenges during their tour, and this latest incident has only added to the growing list of controversies surrounding their trip.

As news of the snub spreads, it has ignited discussions online and in the media, with opinions divided on whether Márquez’s actions were justified or inappropriate. Regardless of the differing views, the incident has undoubtedly cast a shadow over Meghan and Harry’s Colombia visit, highlighting the complex and often fraught nature of their public roles.

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