IT’S GETTING WILD ! Prince Harry DISOWNS King Charles And Presents His BIOLOGICAL FATHER


In his candid memoir ‘Spare’, Prince Harry laid bare the challenges of growing up within the British Royal Family as the ‘spare’ to heir Prince William. But perhaps the most concise yet profound summary came in just six words – “the spare could always be spared”.


This powerful statement revealed Harry’s sentiments about his place within the House of Windsor hierarchy. As the younger son of King Charles and Princess Diana, he candidly admitted feeling like an “afterthought” and “extra piece in the puzzle of royalty”. Unlike his brother William who carried the burden of the crown, Harry sensed he was “dispensable”.

This distinction granted Harry certain freedoms growing up, but it also left behind lingering feelings of being insignificant. Within the memoir’s pages, he painted a poignant picture of his role – confessing that his family had rendered him a “non-entity”.

Despite these realities, Harry chose not to allow it to define him. Yet the label of ‘spare’ followed him like a shadow. It cast him as the supportive understudy, waiting in the wings in case “fate should cast its cruel hand upon Willie”. For decades, this was the profound purpose Harry believed he held – to be ever ready as a “vigilant sentinel” for his beloved brother.

In 2020, at age 39, Harry made the extraordinary decision to step back from his duties and strike out on a new path in California with wife Meghan Markle and their children. Through explosive interviews, an intimate Netflix series and his memoir’s revelations, Harry has decisively shed light on the inner workings of the Firm and irreparably fractured his bond with brother William. Today, it’s said they no longer speak, with their connection lost in an abyss of silence.

It seems improbable Harry will ever resume his royal position. While some lament the loss of this bond, others see Harry reclaiming his life and sense of purpose outside of his predetermined role as the ‘spare’. Now living largely out of the spotlight in Montecito, what do his new neighbors make of the enigmatic Duke and Duchess?


Contrary to expectations, Harry and Meghan maintain a remarkably low profile in their exclusive California community according to locals. Harry is only occasionally spottedwalking his dogs or doing school runs, always with security. Meghan too is rarely seen beyond a casual lunch or grocery run.

While Montecito is accustomed to wealthy and famous residents, none command the level of security as the Sussexes. Their preference for seclusion contrasts those like Oprah Winfrey who are far more integrated into community life. This has spart a mix of admiration, curiosity and even mild frustration from neighbors like Richard Mins, impatiently waiting for glimpses of the royal couple.

Despite their elusiveness, Harry and Meghan do make the occasional public appearance. One was supporting a new neighborhood bookshop fittingly named after something Harry once said. Global stars like Oprah also joined in celebrating the cultural addition. Locals hope for more as Harry turns 40 this weekend with friendsflying in for milestone celebrations carefully planned by Meghan.

Through it all, the Sussexes maintain a delicate balance. Their seclusion aligns with a desire for greater privacy, a driving force in their decision to leave royal duties. Yet they still selectively advocate passionately for causes like mental health, racial inequality and the environment. This calibrated approach enables them to parent privately while publicly championing initiatives important to them.

Evebyn maintaining a low profile, Harry and Meghan’s impact is profoundly felt globally and locally. Their presence brings an unparalleled mystique of royalty mixed with Hollywood appeal as they pave new paths outside tradition. Whether they choose to become more visible or not, the Sussexes certainty aren’t ordinary. For Montecito neighbors who watch with great intrigue, only time will tell if they ever step further into the light or continue cherishing quiet lives very much on their own terms.

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