On Tuesday evening, King Charles and Queen Camilla hosted a lavish state dinner for the Qatari royal family during their two-day state visit. The event was attended by a host of celebrities, including David and Victoria Beckham. The event continued the splendor and formality that is typical of the British royal family, with a gourmet menu of lobster, pheasant and Balmoral plum sorbet. The venue was further enhanced by the exquisite floral arrangements.
Many royal fans often wonder where the fresh flowers go after the event is over. And the answer from Buckingham Palace is sure to please them. According to Buckingham Palace, the fresh flowers used for the state banquet were seasonal, arranged in silver-gilt vases from the Grand Service. The foliage was sourced from Windsor Home Park and the Orchard at the Windsor greenhouses.
The beautiful bouquets will be donated to Floral Angels, a charity based at New Covent Garden Flower Market in London whose patron is Queen Camilla. The flowers will then be distributed to hospitals, nursing homes, shelters and other areas of the local community. This is a meaningful gesture, showing the Royal Family’s concern for the community.
The Hiraeth Quartet, made up of students from the Royal Welsh Academy of Music and Drama, performed for the guests at the state banquet. The King’s harpist, Mared Pugh-Evans, also performed. Earlier, Prince William and Princess Kate hosted the Qatari royal family at Whitehall. King Charles and Queen Camilla also hosted a luncheon at the Palace for the Qatari royal family. They then visited a special exhibition at the Picture Gallery, featuring artefacts from the Royal Collection Trust and the Turquoise Mountain Foundation.