Uninvited and Unpaid: Meghan Markle’s Controversial Use of LA Charity for Photo Opportunity

Meghan Markle recently made headlines with a brief appearance at a charity event, but reactions to her presence were far from favorable. Critics noted that she spent only a mere 10 seconds with a couple of children before leaving, dressed in what many described as an inappropriate and “rather vulgar” outfit for the occasion.


Observers were quick to point out that her attendance was surprising, especially considering she wasn’t even invited and didn’t pay for a meal, which is typically required at such events.Angela, a commentator on the situation, remarked, “We knew it wouldn’t be long before Megan made a return to the red carpet. This was quite grim, especially since she didn’t even bother to stay for the charity event.”


She raised the question of whether Megan uses charity events, particularly those involving children, as a means to repair her damaged public image in the U.S.

“I think she’s been doing this for a long time,” Angela stated. “She can’t bear anyone being in the spotlight when she isn’t. With Harry, it’s the same situation; anyone who thinks she’ll let him shine is mistaken.”

Angela suggested that Megan’s pattern of behavior indicates a desperation to be the center of attention, adding that it’s appalling to leverage a children’s hospital for her own publicity.

Indeed, during her brief visit, Megan was seen interacting with the photographers more than the children, attempting to direct the head of the hospital and organizing the scene to her liking.

However, the photographers did not cooperate with her demands, leading to visible frustration on her part. “She acted as if she were the star of the event,” Angela noted, “but the reality is, she was merely there for her own gain, rather than to truly support the charity.”

A guest at the event remarked that Megan’s presence seemed solely aimed at securing media coverage. “It’s as if she needs to be seen and worshipped, regardless of who else is present,” Angela commented. She expressed disbelief that Megan would utilize such an event for personal gain, especially when the appropriateness of her attire was in question.

The discussion shifted to Megan’s motivations, questioning whether her desperate need for attention was a sign of deeper issues. Angela emphasized that while she possesses intelligence, her actions often come off as impulsive and misguided. “You’d think that at her age, she would have the wisdom to understand the optics of her choices,” Angela remarked. “Instead, she humiliates herself time and time again.”

The conversation then turned to the couple’s recent PR strategies, highlighting a shift in how they are portrayed in the media. “Harry and Megan used to claim they were like salt and pepper, but now it seems they’re taking different paths,”

Angela pointed out, referencing a recent report from *People* magazine that described a “twin track approach” to their public lives. While Harry is focused on philanthropic efforts, Megan is said to be leaning into entrepreneurial ventures.

Angela responded with skepticism, stating, “Have you ever heard such nonsense? She can’t stand to be overshadowed by Harry, and this new direction doesn’t seem genuine.”

As they delved into Megan’s entrepreneurial pursuits, Angela commented on the struggles she faces with her American Riviera project, noting that it has already faced significant setbacks. “She can’t even use the name of the area where she lives, and her trademark applications have been rejected,” she explained. “It’s clear she’s more interested in making money than in charity work.”

The discussion touched on Megan’s tendency to fabricate stories, especially regarding her relationships with old friends. Angela expressed disbelief at Megan’s claims that she was supporting the hospital because of her school friends, pointing out that many of those friends have reportedly been ghosted by her. “It shows how easily she lies and how little trust we should place in her words,” Angela emphasized.

Lastly, the conversation shifted to the dynamics within the couple’s staff, with the departure of another employee, Ashley Hansen, marking the 19th member to leave. Angela remarked on the high turnover rate and speculated that it reflects the challenging work environment created by Megan’s demands.

In contrast, Prince Harry’s recent travels and engagements were discussed. “He seems to be keeping busy, perhaps seeking some space,” Angela said. “But fitting eight charities into nine days across four countries doesn’t sound like a peaceful retreat.”

The two continued to unpack the implications of Megan’s actions and Harry’s endeavors, revealing a complex web of motivations and public perceptions surrounding the couple.

In times when many are struggling with health issues, compassion should be at the forefront. It’s something that both he and Meghan have often discussed, yet it appears they’re failing to show it in their actions. They should be demonstrating kindness, especially in their interactions with various charities they’ve been involved with before.

Those organizations likely welcomed his presence, but it was clear he was quite anxious at the outset. He fidgeted in his chair, looking awkward, and only became somewhat more at ease after warming up a bit. Overall, his behavior seemed rather unusual.

Angela, you raised an interesting point about Harry attempting to outshine the royal family. There was a memorable moment a few weeks ago when King Charles engaged with the New Zealand women’s rugby team. They spontaneously asked him for a group hug, creating a genuinely touching scene that went viral. Harry, on the other hand, appeared quite splendid during that moment—overwhelmed but clearly enjoying the love from the crowd. His connection to Australia and his enjoyment were evident.

Yet, there was a stark contrast when Harry sought a similar moment in South Africa. It felt somewhat staged. He was the one initiating the request for a hug, making it less authentic. Unlike Charles, who was embraced out of love, Harry’s approach came across as more calculated, almost like he was orchestrating a gathering at a party.

On a much more genuine note, the most touching royal moment of the week came from Catherine, Princess of Wales, and her interaction with 17-year-old cancer patient Liz Hatton. Katherine recently spoke about standing alongside those on their cancer journeys, expressing her solidarity. When she met Liz, who is battling an aggressive form of cancer, it was a truly special encounter. Liz has a passion for photography, which is also a talent of Catherine’s. This common ground fostered a warm atmosphere.

Liz described her experience as wonderful, emphasizing how down-to-earth William and Catherine were. There was a refreshing sense of humanity in their interaction. It’s clear that Liz radiates positivity despite her challenges. She has been featured on television and is receiving opportunities to showcase her photography skills, all while maintaining a hopeful outlook.

In one heartfelt interview, Liz and her mother shared their experiences meeting the Prince and Princess. Liz’s mother expressed immense pride in her daughter’s bravery, and the family is incredibly grateful for the opportunities provided by the royal couple.

It’s heartwarming to know that someone from the royal family checks in on Liz daily, demonstrating a genuine commitment to her well-being.

When comparing the approaches of Catherine and Meghan, it’s evident that Catherine’s interactions come from a place of sincerity.

The two had rich discussions about photography rather than focusing solely on Liz’s illness, highlighting the mutual passion they shared. Catherine’s thoughtful approach to fostering a connection clearly made the experience comfortable and uplifting for Liz.Thank you for watching Outspoken! If you enjoyed this segment, please click on my face in the bottom left to subscribe to this new independent news source. Don’t forget to turn on the notification bell so you’ll be alerted to our latest live shows, uncancelled interviews, and special royal episodes. Outspoken is now available as a podcast, so you can tune in every weekday, wherever you are. I’ve included links in the show notes below for easy access. Keep watching our Outspoken clips to support this independent news venture—free from spin, bias, and censorship, unlike the mainstream media. Most importantly, I promise to keep fighting for you.

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