Princess Diana’s constant worries about Harry have now come true.

Prince Harry has opened up about his obsession with the nickname “spare” in his memoir “Spare”. Royal experts revealed that from a young age, Princess Diana worried about Harry’s feeling of “not being as good as his brother”.

In his memoir, “Spare,” Prince Harry opened up about feeling inferior to his brother William since he was a child, something that Princess Diana was very worried about. The nickname “Spare” comes from Prince Charles’s words to Princess Diana: “Wonderful! Now you have given me an heir and a spare – my mission is accomplished.” This phrase haunted Harry throughout his childhood and into adulthood.

Princess Diana always had a concern about Harry, and now it has become a reality - Photo 1.

Royal biographer Ingrid Seward said that Princess Diana was very worried about Harry’s feelings of inferiority to William. She recounted a story from when Harry was in nursery school: “Diana was very worried about Harry’s feelings of inferiority to William. Even when they were very young, when Harry went to Miss Minors nursery school, where William used to go, the teacher said to him: ‘Now Harry, play with this clay, William used to be very good at making models.’ Harry threw it down and said ‘No!’. So from a very young age, Harry felt inferior to his brother. It was not Diana’s fault, nor Prince Charles’s fault, it was simply a feeling that existed in him.”

Since the release of his memoir “Spare,” Harry’s relationship with his father and brother has seemingly deteriorated. According to The Sunday Times, the two brothers are said to have last spoken to each other at the funeral of their grandmother, the late Queen Elizabeth II, in September 2022. In fact, according to Harry’s memoir, they “only exchanged a few words.”

Princess Diana always had a concern about Harry, and now it has become a reality - Photo 2.

In his memoir, Harry also made a number of allegations about the family, including William calling Meghan Markle “nasty”, “rude” and “mean”, and pushing Harry into the dog’s food bowl. Harry also accused Prince Charles of refusing to let Meghan visit the Queen at Balmoral when she was dying.

The paperback version of “Spare” will be released next month. Typically, when a nonfiction book is released in paperback, additional chapters or updated information are included. However, the paperback version of “Spare” will not include any new information. The cover will retain the same image but will be redesigned.

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