Meghan Markle’s CHLA Visit Seen as Desperate Move to Repair Image After Negative PR Blitz

Meghan Markle appears to be in full damage control mode, which seems to be the main reason behind her recent appearance at the Children’…

Meghan Markle appears to be in full damage control mode, which seems to be the main reason behind her recent appearance at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) Gala.

Upon examining how certain media outlets, especially *People* magazine, covered the event, it becomes evident that the messaging mirrors the positive comments made about Prince Harry in *The Hollywood Reporter* article. This suggests that Meghan Markle’s PR team might have coached the individuals quoted in these stories, aiming to make her appear as likable as Harry.

It sems Meghan is keenly aware that many people have a favorable view of her husband but not of her, and she’s attempting to change this perception. However, her approach has been heavy-handed, with anyone familiar with PR easily able to recognize that she is trying to replicate the positive press Harry received.

This strategy, unfortunately, might backfire, especially with the unresolved bullying allegations still looming over her. Rather than focusing on public relations tactics, a simple solution could be to treat her staff with kindness, which might naturally improve her image. However, Meghan doesn’t appear to operate this way.

Let’s take a closer look at the situation because not everyone is media-savvy enough to catch onto this PR maneuver.

As soon as I read the article, I couldn’t help but notice how similar the wording was to the narrative used for Harry, indicating Meghan’s desperation to be seen as likable. However, I don’t believe this attempt will succeed.

Before diving deeper, for those new to *Royal News Network*, welcome! My name is Brittany, and I provide royal commentary. Feel free to subscribe if you enjoy royal news.

Also, while I’m not in my usual setup today, my thoughts are with everyone affected by Hurricane Helen and Hurricane Milton. If you’d like to support those impacted, I’ve included a link to a fundraiser for the Red Cross.

Now, back to Meghan. On Saturday evening, she attended the CHLA Gala with a display that many found unusual. A particularly strange moment involved her clutching hands with her friend, Kelly.

While Kelly appeared natural and confident on the red carpet, Meghan seemed out of place and amateurish, acting oddly throughout the event. It’s clear that Meghan places an emphasis on physical contact, which might be an attempt to appear more likable, but it comes off as awkward.

Questions arose as to why she attended the event, especially given her brief appearance. There have even been rumors that she was asked to leave, but I haven’t found any reputable sources confirming this.

What’s more concerning is that it seems Meghan used the CHLA event, and the presence of sick children, as a means to repair her public image. This is a tactless and callous move, especially since she spent only a short time at the event.

Her appearance feels entirely like a photo op. Lizzie Cundy, a former acquaintance of Meghan, made a similar point, stating that Meghan is more reliant on Los Angeles for her image than the city is on her presence.

The key takeaway here is that Meghan’s motives were not to help sick children but to bolster her public standing.

The *People* magazine article painted Meghan as relatable, emphasizing moments such as her discussion with a mom at the event about having two children.

This narrative aligns closely with the recent *Hollywood Reporter* piece on Harry, which described him as having no airs or pretense. Meghan’s PR team likely engineered this, mirroring Harry’s positive portrayal in an effort to make her seem down-to-earth.

It’s not unusual for PR teams to guide or even manipulate the narrative, especially when dealing with celebrities. Reporters often ask the same question multiple times in different ways to get the soundbite they’re looking for, and in this case, it seems the same tactic was applied to paint Meghan in a favorable light.

Whether this was organic or staged is uncertain, but given her recent negative press, it’s hard to believe this wasn’t a calculated move to salvage her reputation.

The core issue isn’t how Meghan interacts with random individuals at public events, but rather how she treats those who work for her behind closed doors.

The bullying allegations that have resurfaced are far more damaging to her image than a few staged moments at a gala. Despite the efforts to paint a different picture, her interactions with staff are the real problem.

While she tried to use sick children as a prop in her PR campaign, the real challenge for Meghan is addressing the deeper issues around her treatment of others. Until she confronts these problems, no amount of photo ops or PR spin will change public perception

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