Harry keeps failing.

Prince Harry faces potential legal fees of up to £1 million after losing his lawsuit against the UK Home Office regarding security for himself and Meghan Markle. A spokesperson confirmed plans to appeal the decision.

Harry tiếp tục thất bại ảnh 1


On February 28, High Court Judge Sir Peter Lane ruled that the government’s revocation of police protection for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in February 2020 was lawful. As a result of this ruling, the couple must now personally cover their own security costs during visits to the UK rather than relying on taxpayer funding.

A Home Office representative expressed satisfaction with the court’s decision and mentioned that they are considering further steps. Harry and Meghan lost their police protection after stepping back from royal duties and moving to the U.S. in 2020. In response, Harry sued the Royal and VIP Executive Committee (Ravec) to challenge the legality of reducing their security compared to other senior royals.

Despite previous dismissals of his claims in May and December 2023, Harry remains intent on appealing. During the latest hearing, he was absent but permitted his legal team to represent him. His lawyers highlighted the urgent need for heightened security, comparing their situation to the threats faced by his mother, Princess Diana, before her tragic death caused by paparazzi.

Harry’s legal representatives emphasized that his status as a prince means the threats against him have not diminished, referencing a May 2023 incident where he and Meghan were pursued by paparazzi in New York City.

The judge ultimately found Harry’s arguments unconvincing, stating that Ravec had sufficient knowledge to make informed decisions. Following the ruling, Harry’s spokesperson reiterated their intention to appeal, clarifying that Harry seeks fairness, not special treatment.

This legal setback places Harry at risk of incurring around $1.27 million in costs, as losing parties in High Court cases are generally responsible for both sides’ legal fees.

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