Meghan’s BUSINESS fail, Nigerian BOOED Sussex after LIED 43%, Harry MISSED at Invictus

Meghan’s BUSINESS fail, Nigerian BOOED Sussex after LIED 43%, Harry MISSED at Invictus
Megan has identified herself as being 43% Nigerian, but in fact, DNA tests and genealogical evidence prove that Megan Markle is a liar.

I’m also going to talk about Megan’s recent business to see how pathetic she really is. So please join me in analyzing and learning more information. Welcome back to my YouTube channel.

Recently, Harry and Megan were invited to come to Nigeria for a fake Royal tour, which conveniently coincided with Harry’s trip to the UK for the Invictus celebration.

However, what’s more interesting is that Megan Markle is declaring that she’s 43% Nigerian. Well, I have analyzed this information, and based on Megan’s past, I can confirm that she completely lied about this.

As far as we know, Megan’s mom Doria was born in the US. Megan’s grandparents, Janette and Alvin, were born in Sandusky, Ohio, and South Carolina back in 1929. So, her great-grandparents on the Markle side, Netty May and James, were born in South Carolina in 1897 and 1909. The late Gerud Elizabeth and Hunter Allen were born in Georgia around 1882. If her father is Irish, Dutch, or American, Megan Markle cannot claim that she’s 43% Nigerian. It makes no sense.

To understand this more clearly, let’s use me as an example. I come from a big family with 53 first cousins, and it’s difficult to keep track of who is related to whom. There’s always been this idea in my family that we have Turkish blood. So recently, I did a DNA test, along with my sister and a few cousins, too. The results showed that, yes, we do have blood from that region. But it doesn’t say “Turkey” because, like Nigeria, Turkey is a relatively new country made up of many different indigenous peoples. So, the DNA test shows tribes, not modern-day countries.

Because of this, and because we know Megan Markle is a big fat liar, I call BS on this claim that she’s 43% Nigerian. Because if that were even partially true, Megan would have been given statistics for a tribe, and then she could have done a Google search to find out where that tribe was from. When her archetypes guest asked what people she came from, she said she didn’t know and she would have to look into it. But really, it would be the other way around if she were telling the truth. Megan all of a sudden being Nigerian is ridiculous. That’s like me all of a sudden declaring that I’m 100% Turkish and I have to go visit my homeland.

Of course, I would love to go to Turkey one day and see where my people came from, but it’s probably never going to happen, and that’s fine too. So back to Megan, if she really were 43% Nigerian, then her mother would have to be 86% Nigerian. When you look at a drawing of Meghan Markle’s family tree with her ancestors going all the way back to the 19th century, you will see this is impossible. On her mother’s side, most are described as Black, but it’s not 100%. There are a few described as mulatto, which means they do have one or more white ancestors. So there is absolutely no way that Doria is 86% Nigerian.

The fact is, most Black Americans Doria’s age carry about 25% European ancestry anyway, and Doria probably has more than that. When you look at her, you can see that she’s got white features, and her skin is not very dark at all. We get DNA from both parents, but it’s not equally distributed. If Doria is 75% African-American and Thomas is 100% European, then Meghan would be about 50% various European nationalities. Now, I did see English, German, and Dutch, and of course, that came from her father. And then about 12.5% European from her mother, and that leaves us at about 63%.

So to have 43% Nigerian DNA, Meghan Markle would have to have one parent who is basically full Nigerian. Doria is not that, and when you follow her ancestry line, you can see an all-European line pretty early on in American history. That means that Doria is absolutely carrying more than that 25% European DNA, making Meghan a lot more European than she is African. I’m pretty sure even Doria doesn’t have as much as 43% Nigerian heritage.

Now, I do see Black Americans posting their DNA results in a few different subs, and usually, it is a mix of West African countries and European countries. 43% of any one single African group seems really high, especially considering that she’s half-white. I mean, of course she is more than half-European because she’s also got white ancestry on her mother’s side. If Meghan Markle were 43% Nigerian, and I don’t even believe that she’s 43% African, that would mean that basically all her Black heritage is Nigerian, which I find incredibly hard to believe.

I also learned a little bit about R DNA. R DNA is an artificially made DNA strand that’s formed by the combination of two or more gene sequences. This new combination might or might not occur in nature, but it is engineered specifically for a purpose, to be used in one of the many applications of R DNA. This does not explain Meghan being 43% Nigerian. This would mean that all the base pairs in her chart are Nigerian, when of course, that’s not going to be the case. The possibility of Meghan being at all Nigerian is still incredibly low, if you ask me.

Now, DNA can be confusing to understand for many different reasons. We’ve got different skin color, eye color, eye shape, nose, hair color, texture, height, blood, intestinal functioning, resting heart rate… I mean, there’s a lot that goes into everything, and some of these differences are visible, most are not. Inheritance is also random; ethnicities are not passed down evenly, and sometimes it looks like they’re not passed down at all. These genealogy sites are also pretty smart. They are changing constantly as the algorithm learns more. They don’t have a list of locations, and they don’t base it on what your family tree says. Instead, it is based on how many people in a specific area share DNA with a person and how much of that DNA they share. So, if this 43% figure is right, it’s more like she shares 43% of her DNA with people who are living in Nigeria right now who were also tested.

Maybe Meghan should try and learn which tribe she actually comes from. Maybe she should learn about her heritage for once. Now, there are some DNA test companies that are based in Africa, and I guess they do specialize in African DNA. But Meghan Markle would have had to use those companies, use their sites, or whatever. They’re really expensive too, and an average African citizen doesn’t have the money for things like that. So, the facts are based on a very small sample of people, but I guess enough of a sample to help descendants of slaves figure out where they might have come from originally.

Do you all know that show “Who Do You Think You Are?” Do you ever


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