Prince Harry: US is my primary residence now: But the reaction of American citizens has astonished the whole world.

Prince Harry: US is my primary residence now
The Duke of Sussex informed Companies House of the change in residency last June when he and Meghan were asked to vacate Frogmore Cottage

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex moved to the United States in 2020 after stepping down as working royals
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex moved to the United States in 2020 after stepping down as working royals

Prince Harry has changed his primary country of residence from the UK to the US in official documents at Companies House.

The change of address was filed for his sustainable tourism organisation, Travalyst, on Wednesday although the date of change listed is June 29 last year, the date on which, according to reports, he was asked by the King to leave Frogmore Cottage in Windsor.



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The document lists his full name, Prince Henry Charles Albert David Duke of Sussex, and the United States as his “new country/state usually resident”.

He and the Duchess of Sussex moved to Montecito in California in 2020 after choosing to step down as working royals and leave Britain.

Last year he said that he still considered the UK his home


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