Divorce looming between Harry and Meghan? The Sussex are reportedly on the verge of splitting up, per report

While the statements are largely official in tone on both sides they do portray a sense of sadness, disappointment and deep frustration, showing signs of a rift in the family that couldn’t be patched up, and a couple who feel they’ve been pushed out.

Harry and Meghan
Image:The Sussexes have signed deals with the likes of Netflix since stepping back from royal duties

It’s not entirely surprising it came to this. Nearly 12 months ago Harry and Meghan had said they wanted to continue to serve the Queen and have a financially independent life. It was always hard to see how those two things would be compatible.

From what I understand from a palace source it was made clear during the “Sandringham Summit” last January, where the family discussed the Sussexes new plan, that the Queen, the Prince of Wales and Prince William didn’t see how they could be half in half out, make their own money but still do some royal duties on behalf of the Queen.

It just wasn’t acceptable to their ethos of public service. As it was put to me, you work for the monarchy, the monarchy doesn’t work for you. You get the sense that many within the palace saw this handing back of patronages as inevitable and a tying up of loose ends.

The problem hasn’t necessarily been the financial deals that the Sussexes have signed with the likes of Netflix or Spotify, but more the ways they’ve made announcements without letting the rest of the royal family know.

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