Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Recent Troubles: Netflix Setbacks and a Controversial Colombia Visit

Some news came out about Meghan’s opinion on Prince Harry’s continuing legal battles, which is quite contradictory.  Meghan wants Ha…


Some news came out about Meghan’s opinion on Prince Harry’s continuing legal battles, which is quite contradictory.  Meghan wants Harry to be free from the litigation, that the lawsuits are weighing him down, and she’d like him to let it go, which implies that Harry is the only one who really cares about continuing this. In the same statement, the source claims that she also knows that he basically has no choice because he will do whatever it takes to protect his family. Harry must continue because it’s the only way to keep Lily, Archie, and Meghan safe. The likelihood that this was purposefully leaked is super high, as with most things from Camp Sussex, which poses the question, why would they leak this particular circular nothing burger of a statement?

Well, for one, it places the onus on Harry, making him look more like the bad guy and Meghan like the good guy who doesn’t really want to pursue this legal action. Maybe she thinks it’s not the best idea, but of course, she supports Harry. She says she doesn’t necessarily support continuing to fight these things in court, which may or may not be true. We know that Meghan likes the attention and the feeling of importance that comes with having lots of cars driving them around places, just like Harry does.

They both want the convoys. They once took a seven-car convoy around the block instead of just walking to enter a conference in New York City, a city where everybody walks everywhere. So we know that a great deal of this does have to do with the feeling of importance and optics. It matters to people high in narcissism, but by her saying that it’s just him who’s trying to pursue these things, it takes a little bit of the heat off Meghan in terms of public opinion, making it seem like Harry is behind some of the motivations.


It also reiterates that he feels obligated, that this is the only way he can keep his family safe, which softens the responsibility on Harry a little, making it seem like he has no other options. But he does. He could drop this nonsense and just stay on palace grounds when he visits the UK. They simply requested 30 days or more notice, but he refuses to give adequate notice to anyone of his trips, and he even turned down staying on palace grounds last time, so he doesn’t really try to make it work any other way. He is actively choosing to continue this and not take any other alternative route. Another possibility for the reason behind this being leaked is a bit more sinister. Given Meghan’s history of manipulations, it isn’t far-fetched.


The theory is that Meghan leaked this to send a message to Harry that although she tells him to his face that she just wants him to let this go and be free of this stress, she’s using this leak to play on his paranoia and anxieties. She signals to Harry that there’s no other option if he wants his family to stay safe, which is toxic. It backs him into a corner where if he were to actually decide to drop it, articles will come out saying he’s sacrificing the safety of Meghan and the kids.

This is really dramatic and will freak him out because we know he has paranoia and high anxiety about these things. So that is the angle that many people think this is coming from, that Meghan is using this as a way to perpetuate the problem while in person she’s doing the opposite. And that’s where many people still sympathize with Harry.

People who have been in relationships with toxic dynamics and a lot of manipulation can recognize these signs and think if that were happening, then you would sympathize with Harry. We’ve seen Meghan have these two-faced manipulative elements to her personality before, where she’ll say one thing and do the complete opposite, leaving the spouse feeling really confused, constantly worried, and on eggshells. But let’s move on to the next bit of news.

Ominous news from Netflix: Meghan Markle’s American Riviera Orchard Montecito connected Netflix content has been pushed back. Generally, if a show gets pushed back, especially to 2025, that’s typically not a good thing. Occasionally, it can be a completely normal situation, like having a lot of content or similar content that’s already finished and ready to go live, and they don’t want to clutter the upcoming seasons.

Fans of cooking shows, for example, only have so much time, and Meghan’s being a new show that’s never aired before, they don’t necessarily want it to go up against three other mainstays that already have a big fan base. So that could be part of the reason. Or perhaps they’re fine-tuning the production and not rushing the editing processes, simply giving it more time to finish the project. However, rumors are that Netflix isn’t thrilled about the content.

We’ve seen in other things she’s done, like “The Bench” and “Archetypes,” that they’re not necessarily good. They’re just not driving views, consumers, or listeners. People are not interested in consuming the content that Meghan has produced. She doesn’t really have the charisma or likeability to carry an entire show herself, nor does she have the skill to do those things well. But another possibility is a little more complex.

A while back, there were a lot of articles that Meghan was trying to reach some sort of unprecedented deal with Netflix to make a consumer partnership with American Riviera Orchard Montecito, where Netflix would somehow help with the production and distribution of the products for her brand. She was trying to make it happen, and it was panned as absolute nonsense. It is possible that the series has been delayed to make room for more of these discussions.

No surprise, though, that Meghan is trying to get help with American Riviera Orchard Montecito because launching your own original products is extremely difficult. There are lots of hoops to jump through to be allowed to sell things. Curating products is also challenging.

Launching a brand like this, rather than just going the standard influencer route with sponsorships or product placement, is much more complex and takes a lot more work. As we know, she couldn’t find a CEO. Nobody wanted the job, or she was too picky in hiring. She couldn’t get staff for this venture, so it would make sense that she’s trying to push it onto Netflix.

In even more surprising news, Meghan and Harry announced that they’re going on a four-day trip to Colombia of all places in the fall, probably around November. The press statement about this is fantastical. The Archwell Foundation, founded by the Duke and Duchess, is renowned for its global leadership in fostering a safer online environment.

It is not. Archwell is not renowned for anything at all. Fact-check that. The forthcoming conference will unveil a comprehensive framework for creating safer physical and digital spaces, tackling issues such as cyberbullying, online exploitation, and mental health impacts of these threats.

So a portion of this statement is referencing a conference happening separately from Meghan and Harry’s visit that was already scheduled. They hopped on World Mental Health Day and hosted a conversation at this event that was already going on. Same type of thing is happening here. The inaugural event this year in Colombia will presumably go around to different countries every year.

Meghan and Harry are jumping on the bandwagon and issuing a statement that conflates their visit with this already established conference. During their visit, the Duke and Duchess, as well as the Archwell Foundation, will engage in several activities related to this important topic. We are confident that their visit will further illuminate Colombia’s role as a beacon of culture and innovation.

So once again, how does Colombia’s culture, visiting youth and women, and Internet safety all fit into a four-day trip? This is the same problem they ran into with Nigeria. They were trying to do too many things in a short time, and the entire thing just became the Meghan show. When doing a trip like this, you need one targeted thing for the press to stay focused. Otherwise, the press will pick up on whatever is most sensational, and no progress is made.

It does give perspective to how irrational Harry’s paranoia about coming to the UK is. It makes no sense that he is so terrified of visiting the UK while being totally fine with going to countries like Colombia and Nigeria. Beautiful countries, but arguably not as safe to visit as the UK.

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