Kelly Zajfen claims she’s not close to Meghan, saying being ‘Sticked to’ her on the red carpet made her have a bad day

It seems Meghan Markle is back at it again, showing up and awkwardly attempting to play the role of a beloved humanitarian. This latest incident occurred at the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital gala, where she allegedly arrived uninvited. But she wasn’t alone; her assistant, Ashley Hansome, was by her side, guiding her through a maze of social interactions like a GPS.

Ashley even had to direct Meghan towards Kelly Zajfen, an actual ambassador for the hospital, perhaps hoping that a photo op with someone relevant would help Meghan blend in. As Meghan tried to get cozy with Kelly, things took a quick downturn.


Kelly was doing her best to maintain that classic air hostess smile—the kind where the corners of the mouth are up, but the eyes scream for help.


Meghan, however, was all in, leaning in and pretending they were best friends. Unfortunately, Kelly wasn’t having it; she leaned away, looking as comfortable as a cat being bathed, as if she were thinking, “How did I get roped into this?”


Then came the infamous “double claw.” Meghan grabbed Kelly’s arm with both hands, holding it against her body like a trophy. It was as if Meghan had been instructed to use Kelly as an awkward human prop to bolster her image, all while focusing intently on the camera, treating Kelly like a mere accessory to her outfit.


When Kelly had finally had enough and made a break for freedom, Meghan turned her attention to another target: a family of color with young children. You’d think that as a mom, her first instinct would be to chat with the kids, but no—her focus was solely on the parents’ names.

She made small talk about how her own children, aged three and five, are so close in age, as if that would magically create an instant bond. After requesting a photo and delivering her obligatory “have fun tonight,” she promptly turned back to the cameras. The entire interaction felt as warm and genuine as a robot reading from a script.


One theory circulating is that Meghan managed to squeeze in as Kelly’s reluctant plus-one. After all, Kelly had invited her and Harry to a tennis event a few weeks prior. Perhaps Meghan saw this gala as another prime opportunity for some headline-grabbing snaps. It was clear from Kelly’s expression that she didn’t sign up for this bizarre buddy routine.

And let’s not even get started on the fashion faux pas. Meghan decided to rewear the now-infamous “inverted nipple” dress—the same dress that makes one wonder if she’s trying to channel Lady Gaga, but it just doesn’t work.


It was as if she was trying to turn heads by any means necessary, even if it meant reminding everyone of one of her previous worst-dressed moments. To top it off, her hair and makeup were in disarray, adding to the “I just rolled out of bed” vibe.

From grabbing people’s arms to focusing solely on the cameras, Meghan seemed determined to make this scene all about her, which is impressive considering she has zero visible connection to the hospital or the cause.

It’s a mystery why people tolerate this spectacle, but one thing is for sure: Meghan’s antics aren’t going away anytime soon. Maybe she’s trying to reinvent herself as a natural woman of color or a humanitarian, or perhaps she’s just in it for the photo ops.

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