Is this a fresh publicity stunt? Harry: ‘The secret story of King Charles and William is enough to write another book’

According to Prince Harry, the original manuscript of his memoir Spare was twice as long as the final version when it hit the shelves. He has many more stories with King Charles and Prince William that he doesn’t want the world to know.

After the documentary Harry & Meghan , the memoir Spare was likened to a bomb dropped directly on the British Royal Family, causing great damage. In it, Prince Harry attacked all those closest to him in the family, including King Charles, Queen Camilla, Prince William and Princess Kate. The content of the book caused the red-haired prince to receive countless criticisms. He was accused of “showing his back to everyone”, betraying his family and country.

More significantly, in a recent interview, Harry claimed that what he told in Spare was not the whole story. He had to cut out a lot because if it were revealed, King Charles and William would never forgive him.

In an article published in the Telegraph on January 13, the 39-year-old former royal said that Spare’s first draft was twice as long as the final edit, totaling 800 pages, instead of the current 400.

“It could be two books. It’s a bit difficult to cut out some of the content. There are some things that happened, particularly between me and my brother, and also between me and my father, that I don’t want the world to know. Because I don’t think they would forgive me,” the Duke of Sussex said.

Harry noted that he struggled with deciding what stories to include in the book because he knew his family would never approve of writing a memoir.

He also claimed the media knew a lot of “dirty” things about his family but they hid them and exploited scandalous stories about others.

Harry: 'The untold story of King Charles and William is enough to write another book' photo 2
Harry claims he has not told the whole story about his father and brother. Photo: Getty Images.

Harry admitted he knew he would be “sacked” if he revealed any details about his family, but defended his decision on the grounds that he could not tell his life story without them.

According to Harry, he feels a responsibility to reform the monarchy for the sake of his grandchildren, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

“I know that among those three, at least one of them is like me, the extra one. That makes me sad and worried,” he confided, not forgetting to reveal that his brother once told him not to forget to take care of things that are not his business.

Harry expressed frustration that other family members did not listen to his warnings.

In response to criticism of his memoirs, Harry stressed that he did not want to bring down the Windsor family or try to bring down the monarchy, but only wanted to try to save those close to him.

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